Monday, June 1, 2009

Drifters Team: BEARD-OFF!

Further proof that FIEA is never all work and no play, even in the home stretch our teams find ways to keep themselves motivated. Team Drifters has made an official Beard-Off competition:

For those men and women interested. On Tuesday, June 2nd, we will be starting the first annual Team Drifter’s Beard Off. For the last 4 weeks of production, those who choose to participate will be growing our playoff beards to keep us warm on those late nights as the game nears its completion. Don’t worry we will be shaving before industry interviews. So here are the rules:

1. You must have a clean shave on Tuesday the 2nd (if you have some facial hair you don’t want to lose, trim it down as short as possible)
2. During the 4 weeks you may only shave your neck to keep things clean
3. Shaving or any trimming during the 4 weeks results in disqualification
4. There will be multiple awards and fantastic prizes for the winners of numerous different categories including The Grizzly Adams Award and The Patch Adams Memorial Trophy, so anyone can participate
5. If ladies want to play, creativity is welcome
6. At the end of the competition, shave the most creative facial hair for bonus prizes (ex. Fu man chu, handle bars, etc.)
7. If the faculty thinks they can hang, let’s see it

A special celebrity judge is rumored to have signed on to the event. We'll keep you updated on the weekly growth!

UPDATE: Tuesday, June 2nd - The Shaven!