Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lesson Learned

The past couple weeks have been pretty intense. Our two week rapid prototyping assignment was scheduled due last Sunday night. As such most of the teams were hard at work trying to complete our over-zealous game ideas.

It just so happens that the second week fell on the only time I had planned to miss from FIEA. To future students I would strongly recommend against taking any time off. By missing classes as well as time with your team you're sabotaging your own success.

Our first game almost made it to completion but didn't quite meet the 'fun' requirement. We spent a lot of time working on collision detection, the artwork, and layout but we did not have enough time to play test the game. Another recommendation is to "play test early and play test often". I feel somewhat responsible; because while I was away we were unable to incorporate changes. I returned on the day it was due (at midnight) and had to incorporate all the art and sound assets into the game. The combination of better organization, a present programmer, and more play testing definitely increases the chances of success.

Time to get started on our next rapid prototyping assignment and our programming assignment. Until next time!