Each contestant went up and told the story of their beard experience. Some were mistaken for homeless while walking around the FIEA area, many had tales of angry girlfriends and scolding mothers, while some bemoaned the fact that they just couldn't seem to grow a decent facial landscape. However, there were some stories of happiness among them, such as the welcome reunion of man and facial hair after years in the army where being clean shaven was a must. Once the stories were over, the judges surveyed the vast plains of hair...
And now, the winners of the 2009 Cohort 5 Drifters Team Beard-Off!
The "Billy Mays Memorial Award"
The "Colonel Sanders Award"
The "Ron Jeremy Award"
The "Chameleon Award"
The "Patch Adams Award"
Once all the awards were awarded, those who were interested headed to the bathroom for some "Man-Scaping" and put a creative twist to the end of their beards. As each contestant headed back in...
The judges did one more analysis...
Congratulations to our beard growers and the entire Drifters team for their hard work! It's a great end to a great production run, and now the whole team is revving up for the final polish and testing.
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