A FIEA tradition each cohort is privy to is the annual Halloween party at director Ben Noel's house. FIEA students past and present are invited to take part in this spooky celebration that features food, costume and pumpkin contests, and a live DJ. This year probably saw a turnout of around 60-80 people and will continue to grow with each new cohort. We may have to switch venues soon!
Thanksgiving was next on the agenda and while most FIEAns had the luxury of spending it with family, those who weren't able to gathered at Jon's house for a FIEA Feast! With a bring-your-own dish potluck dinner and plenty of video games to go around, it was a great way to spend the holiday and still pass out from a turkey coma.
The winter holidays lit up the main hall of the FIEA building with our very own Christmas tree:
Our final Rapid Prototype class of the semester was an awards ceremony complete with Santa Ron and his big bag of toys for the award winners. After watching the Cohort 4 internship presentations, those who opted in on the Secret Santa gift exchange gathered 'round the tree to see what kind of loot they got:
Of course, holidays aren't the only reason FIEA students gather to celebrate. Post-Prototype rounds are often celebrated by a trip downtown to unwind after a Monday final presentation. New TV show premiers, opening nights of movies, and game release parties are all common occurrences in the FIEA "entertainment" room. There's never an excuse needed to grab a few friends and hang out for a bit when you need a break from work, and there's no exception at FIEA!
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