I provided two movies: pretty and nifty.

Semester two at FIEA has begun and it is hard to believe it is already almost four weeks in. I’ve been meaning to get to the blog since the first week, but somehow it kept getting pushed back “until I have more time”. Unfortunately as things usually work out I’m writing this blog now not because I have “more time” but because I’m just trying to get things off my plate, and this is a good place to start.
Since returning to FIEA we have been inundated with meeting requests from across the board; meetings for paper prototypes, board games, tone words, razor statements, tech challenges, feature lists, and meeting requests for presentations from industry leaders. It seems like every time I turn around a new meeting request is sitting in my inbox, and my TODO list is growing not shrinking. It wouldn’t take much for a panic attack right now, but somehow we trudge along.
Last I checked the programmers have their lives on life support and several are seriously considering pulling the plug. From what I’ve heard nobody wants to live the rest of their lives hooked up to machines like a vegetable. The latest diagnosis reads “no improvement expected over the next 9 months”. Bleak news indeed.
Somewhere in the next month or so I’ll try to keep you dedicated readers posted… All those non-dedicated readers will have to wait. Until next time!
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